27 Neat Life Hacks to Simplify Your College Life
1. Record lectures and listen to them at double speed using VLC media player.
Thankfully, VLC is free and easy to download.
2. Take notes using different colored pens. This will help your visual memory.
Who’s not a fan of a super attractive page of notes anyways?
3. Build up your gpa early in the semester.
Any college student knows that the end of every semester is crunch time and 5 times as crazy as the beginning.
4. In fact, try to build it up early in your college career.
If you thought high school senioritis was real, it wasn’t.
someecards.com5. Chewing the same flavored gum that you chewed while studying will help your memory when taking tests.
6. Learn how to make coffee without a coffee maker.
7. Make scrambled eggs in the microwave using a coffee mug.
8. Use binder clips to stack bottles in a mini fridge.
9. When you don’t want to do dishes, use a tortilla inside/on top of a bowl.
10. Maximize your Wi-Fi signal with this beer can trick.
11. Save space in your closet by linking your hangers with soda can tabs.
12. Microwave your leftovers more evenly with this neat trick.
13. Filing your clothes will save you space.
14. Put blue ink refills in red pen casings to prevent pen thieves.
15. Hang photos with washi tape to avoid tearing the paint off your walls.
The colors will help style your boring white walls too!
16. Use visa gift cards and 10minutemail.com to make free trial accounts online.
10minutemail.com generates you a temporary email that works great for free trials.
17. When it’s hot, hang a damp towel over an open window to cool down a stuffy room.
18. Construct a straw makes for easy cocktail making.
19. Post-it notes will keep Cheeto dust buildup on a grimy keyboard at bay.
20. If you’re a heavy sleeper, put your phone into a glass cup and it amplifies the sound.
21. Heat two bowls at once in the microwave by stacking one on a coffee cup.
22. Extend the life of your printer cartridges by resetting them when they are “empty”.
Unfortunately this whole time you’ve been getting screwed out of the last drops of ink in every cartridge.
diply.com23. If you’re out of air freshener, put some dryer sheets over a fan or AC unit to make your room lovely again.
24. Get Wi-Fi passwords at your local study spots by checking the comments on Foursquare.
25. Disguise your beers as soda pop by using Coca-Cola sleeves.
Please drink responsibly.
26. While you study, keep some water, fruits, and nuts with you for healthy brain food that won’t put you to sleep.
27. Outsource your essay writing. 
Essay writing companies such as writemyessays.net will write any essay in 3 hours.